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We are web design agency based out in kolkata, India. We love to create websites for small businesses and handle all web development work.
We have successfully completed dozens of projects. This includes both work for our clients and our own products. One of our greatest achievements, that we take great pride in, is that we have become most trusted aides of our clients.
Also, we are crazy about innovations and improving life with technology. This is why we pour our skills and passion into creating a digital product that will make your life easier.
We design Search Engine Optimized Webpages, so your website climb the search ranking in no time.
We design website which provides optimal viewing and interaction experience across a wide range of devices - from desktop computer monitors to mobile phones.
We design clutter-free, standards-compliant, properly tagged and well coded webpages, which make each document structured and organized, rendering - clean HTML.
We use Google Font in our projects as they are open source, and are served by very reliable Google servers, giving us more fonts option.